Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another Text-based Protocol

Three Levels of Text


To collaboratively construct meaning, clarify, and expand our thinking about a text or document.

  1. Choose one sentence that is particularly significant, challenging or true.
  2. Choose a phrase that struck you as significant.
  3. Choose a word that struck you as significant.

With your group
  1. Each person shares his/her sentence from the text and explains the reason it was chosen; others listen; perhaps take notes; there is no discussion
  2. Repeat with the phrase and the word. A volunteer might want to record phrases and words.

Dialogue and reflection
  1. Reread the sentences, phrases and words as a newly created text
  2. Discuss what you learned and what new insights emerged about the topic. What patterns or surprises?
  3. Share insights with the larger group.

Debrief of the protocol
1.      How did this protocol work for you as a way to think more deeply about this chapter?