Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I used this protocol with department chairs in the context of examining an assessment task that had not produced the results the teacher was expecting.


A Consultancy is a structured process for helping an individual or a team think more expansively about a particular, concrete dilemma or case study.

Time:   Approximately 20 minutes

Roles:  Presenter  (whose dilemma is being discussed by the group) 

Facilitator  (who sometimes participates, depending on the size of the group)

Critical Friends Group (who discuss the dilemma)


1.    The presenter gives an overview of the dilemma. The presenter has brought a case study, student work, educator work, or other “artifacts.” There is a pause here to silently examine the work/documents.  The focus of the group’s conversation is the dilemma associated with the work. (5 minutes)

2.    The Consultancy group asks clarifying questions of the presenter—that is, questions that have brief, factual answers.     (3 minutes)   

3.    The group talks with each other about the dilemma presented.  (8-10 minutes)

           Possible questions to frame the discussion:
·        What did we hear?  
·        What didn’t we hear that they think might be relevant?
·        What assumptions seem to be operating?
·        What questions does the dilemma raise for us?  
·        What do we think about the dilemma?
·        What might we do or try if faced with a similar dilemma?   What have we done in similar situations? 

Members of the group sometimes suggest solutions to the dilemma.  Most often, however, they work to define the issues more thoroughly and objectively.  It is the group’s job to offer an analysis of the dilemma or question presented.   It is not necessary to solve the dilemma or to offer a definitive answer. The presenter doesn’t speak during this discussion, but instead listens and takes notes.   

4.   The presenter reflects on what s/he heard and on what s/he is now thinking, sharing with the group anything that particularly resonated for him or her during any part of the Consultancy.    (3 minutes)


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