Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What, So What, Now What: A Data Analysis Protocol

Examining ERB Data: What, So What, Now What

Description: This protocol is intended to help us to make meaning from ERB data, determine implications for teaching and learning, and make recommendations for next steps or response.

Time: 45 Minutes.

Facilitator: Patty


1.      Shannon will share the reports/data sets and tell us how to read the reports. (10 minutes)
2.      Team members will review the data silently and individually, noting questions, patterns, surprises—whatever stands out (10 minutes)

So What

3.      Team members will discuss their observations, which are recorded electronically or on chart paper. These questions frame the discussion: (15 minutes)

·         What observations can we make about the data ? What does the data tell us? (No judgment, no evaluation, just description. For example, over 90% of students scored above independent school norms in….)
·         What patterns do we see?
·         What stands out?
·         What changes are evident over time?
·         Were there any surprises? Unexpected results? Anomalies?
·         What does the data NOT tell us?
·         What questions does this data raise?
·         What does the data tell us about student learning or performance?
·         Are these results consistent with other data?

Now What

4.      The team members will discuss the implications for teaching and learning of the ERB Data. Recommendations and suggestions are recorded on chart paper or electronically.  These questions should frame the dialogue: (10 minutes)

·         How will we respond to this data? As a 7th grade team, what action will we take?
·         What are our next steps
·         What resources will we need?



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