Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Focusing Four

Use this tool for helping groups narrow options in a brainstorming process.

Focusing Four

Brainstorm: Generate ideas. Follow the rules for brainstorming, being especially careful not to debate or discuss any idea

Clarify: Members can ask questions to help them understand any idea which is unclear. Again, be careful not to debate or discuss….just ensure that everyone understands what the author of each item meant (During clarification, it may emerge that two ideas are the same; those ideas may be synthesized at this time.)

Advocate: Any member can speak in favor of any idea. Do not, however, speak AGAINST an idea.  If an idea is clearly not viable, then perhaps no body will advocate for it, but don’t waste time discussing why it won’t work.

Survey: It’s time to find out the members’ preferences, their level of support for each of the ideas.  If the list needs to be narrowed down, ask everyone to indicate their top 5 (or 6 or 8) preferences. You can use raised hands or dots to indicate preferences.  After the results are up and visible, go down each idea and ask the group’s permission to eliminate those with little or no support. Once the list is reduced, you may need to determine the level of support for each idea using the five finger method.



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