Monday, November 11, 2013

Hopes and Fears

A warm-up to use with a newly formed group.




To acknowledge the hopes and fears that participants bring to a meeting and by doing so to build a sense of shared expectations.



Time: 5 to 20 minutes. Size of group: up to 25.

Supplies include writing materials for individuals, chart paper, markers.



1. Introduction. Write briefly your greatest fears/your greatest hopes.

2. Pair-share. Share with a partner your GREATEST hope and your greatest fear.

3. Two Groups of 5 and 6. Share and identify themes in hopes and fears.

4. Each group reports themes; facilitator charts

5. Debriefing. Did you notice anything surprising? What was your reaction to expressing negative thoughts? Would you use this activity?
At the end of the meeting or retreat, return to Hopes and Fears. Were hopes realized?


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